How did we get into this recession, and what can we do to get out of it? 我们是怎样陷入这次经济衰退的,又该做些什么才能从中摆脱呢?
It's amazing what people will do to get out of paying taxes. 人们为逃税而做出的种种事情令人吃惊。
You do not go out to injure opponents 你并非蓄意伤害对手。
How do we sort out fact from fiction? 我们如何将事实与虚构区分开呢?
How much tax do they take out of your monthly pay? 他们从你的月薪中抽出多少税?
Do you dine out much? 你常常在外面进餐吗?
Aye, aye, sir, I'll do it out of hand. 是,长官,我马上去办。
Will you help me to do out the room on sunday? 你星期天来帮我粉刷房间好吗?
How do you sit out here all night on the roof, in the cold. 你是如何在楼顶上挨冻等待整晚。
I was able to view and record TV shows, something you can't do out of the box on an iMac. 我可以观看和录下电视节目,但在iMac上没有那个盒子,也就做不到这一点。
When you do go out, look for available deals and discounts. 如果你一定要去外面吃,也要寻找一家能打折的地方。
Please do try out the examples for yourself, to really get a feel for Zsh. 请亲自尝试这些示例来真正体会Zsh。
But, in at least one respect, you do stand out: You're a really loyal friend. 我一直认为你挺普通的。但是,至少在有一点上你与众不同:你是个特别忠诚的朋友。
When assigning tasks to me, my colleagues assume that I can figure how to do things out by myself, said Tao. 同事给我布置任务的时候,都当做我已经会操作这些机器了。
Do you work out? 你做运动锻炼身体了吗?
With a lack of focus on what is most important in your life it becomes easy to spend too much time and energy on aimless actions or work on things that arent really that important but you do out of old habit or other unhelpful reasons. 对生活中重要的事情缺乏注意力会让你很容易把时间或精力浪费在漫无目的的行为或不是很重要的事情上,而你做这些事情往往是出于习惯或其他借口。
On things that arent really that important but you do out of old habit or other unhelpful reasons. 这些事情并没有那么重要,你只是因为旧习惯或是其他错误的原因而去做它们。
Do it out loud because the words always come out right in your head, but if you have to speak them you'll catch some problems before hand. 如果可以的话,也可以对其他人说。大声说出来!语言已经在脑海中形成了!不过你会发现一些问题。
And the best part about it is the anticipation GetWord(" anticipation"); of what will happen when they do find out. Im excited to see what the writers decide to do. 而最有意思的就是预想一下如果这些人发现真相那又会是怎样的情况。我很期待编剧的决定。
A job could lead to a permanent situation with an employer, so do not out rule the temp option. 一份临时工可能会让你从雇主那得到永久性的职位,所以不要错过了临时性工作的机会。
We are going to do out homework. 我们要去做作业。
As a child, we don't always realize that parents tell us what to do out of love. 我们作为孩子,往往不能理解父母对我们的告诫。
Whenever they do point out a mistake, she goes out of her way to thank them. 只要有团队成员提出错误,她都会特地表示感谢。
But they do point out that the gender is interchangeable in all examples. 但他们指出,在所有例子中,性别都是可以转换的。
Getting people to do things they don't really want to do turns out to be a key mission of workplace gamification. 让人们去做他们不想做的事,事实证明这是职场游戏化的一项重要任务。
Women spend more time checking out other women than they do checking out men, keen to see what 'the opposition' is wearing, how much cellulite they have, what their hair looks like and how thin they are, according to a new study. 根据一项新的研究发现,比起观察男人,女人更喜欢花更多时间观察别的女人,热衷于看对手穿什么,她们有多少脂肪,她们的发型如何以及她们多瘦。
Do look out for the Soil Association symbol on these products to ensure the term organic is not just being used as a marketing trick. 在这些产品包装上找到土壤联合会的标志,确保“有机”这个标签不仅仅是一个营销伎俩。
But we do keep out of its grasp for ever longer. 但我们在被死神抓住之前的生存时间比以往任何时候都更长了。
Many countries have similar vacations in the middle of the semester for students to do things out of their own interest. 很多国家也会推行类似的期中春假制度,以便学生去从事自己感兴趣的活动。
However, it might be that they do this out of need and it is still stressful for them, because they are not a naturally social species. 但是,也许它们这样做是出于需要迫不得已,而且它们仍会对群居感到焦虑。因为它们生性就不是群居动物。